When walking through the old town, even without a specific destination or itinerary, at every turn an in every alley you will see new and captivating views, unexpectedly elegant or authentically simple baroque elements and the scents of old and new. With the charming and distinctive fountain in Piazza Roma, the historic centre of Martina Franca, with its unique artistic beauty, welcomes visitors with a spectacular network of alleys and enchanting little lanes. The Basilica of San Martino, a splendid building of worship, is universally acknowledged to be one of the most successful examples of Martina Franca’s unique baroque style. Lastly, the elegant baroque-style church of San Domenico is also worth visiting. Restaurant: “Al ritrovo degli Amici”, Corso Messapia, 8, Tel. 080.4839249. Traditional cooking with vegetable and meat dishes. Shopping Boutique Massa in the main square with Italian designer clothing. Antiques market every third Sunday of the month. Info tel. 080.4304951. Azienda agricola Barnaba (dairy), Via Mariucci, 10 along the Martina-Alberobello road. Antonio Malecore-papier-mâché-Via Merine, 9. Excellent capocollo pork cold cut, from Romanelli, in Via Valle d’Itria 8.